In Texas there are college and career readiness standards to help high school graduates to have the knowledge, skills, abilities and strategies to succeed in life. Some students may choose to get a job after high school, others might join the military, some will go to college and others will choose to attend vocational and technical programs. The goal is to help prepare students for the 21st century job market.
Texas has many innovative models such as Early College High Schools (ECHS), Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P Tech) and Industry Cluster Innovative Academics (CIA). The Texas schools offer a variety of career and technical education programs (CTE). Many school counselors are trained in how to help students with college and career readiness.
There are a number of courses that can help students in choosing a career path and to develop job search skills. College and career readiness begins in middle schools in Texas (or sooner in some cases). For example, 127 Career Exploration: Middle School is recommended for seventh and eighth grade students and it helps them with self-knowledge and career exploration. In Texas high schools 127.13 Career Preparation 1 teaches students employability and effective job search strategies. My book, Achieve Career Success has been used as a resource for these courses. The brief edition of Achieve Career Success is being used to teach “College to Career Success” POFT 1171 at Austin Community College for students in workforce education programs. It has been taught in high schools as a dual credit course for some(CTE) students.
A few teachers have used Achieve College Success with 8th grade middle school students in Texas. The books are workbook style, user friendly and easy for students to understand.
By Raymond Gerson
Raymond Gerson has extensive experience teaching college and career readiness courses. He is the author of the Achieve College and Career Success series.
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